The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Album Review :: Beach Slang :: Who Would Ever Want Anything So Broken

Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor

Beach Slang :: Who Would Ever Want Anything So Broken :: Dead Broke Rekerds 


So Beach Slang is made up of guys from other bands (I feel like most punk bands these days are made up of guys from bands that I used to listen top) – Weston, Ex Friends, and Nona. I have to admit, I never listened to Weston, I don’t know why, there were songs on mixtapes and seriously, every one of my friends at least liked, if not loved, Weston and hadn’t heard of Nona, but am currently super digging Ex Friends. So I went into this EP with a fairly open mind.

Though I am not sure if it was the mention of the other bands, or the name Beach Slang, the sound was not what I was expecting. It is indie and raw and ethereal. This is EP is most definitely in the vein of the Replacements. And it kills.

The EP kicks off with Filthy Luck and some feedback. The track ends up being pretty smooth and catchy but with a bit of menace, Kids is a bit grittier yet more energetic and upbeat. Get Lost is quiet in a simmering way, the tension stays below the surface in the subtext and whispers, but stirs you up none the less. Punk or Lust is indie with some shredding guitars and a British punk influenced chorus with a killer hook. If John Hughes was still making awesome movies about awkward teenagers this song would make the final cut.