The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

A Reasonable and Well-Mannered Open Letter to Justin Fischer

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

Final Thoughts

All that being said, there is a difference between influencing your customers and manipulating them with spin. If you are honestly trying to communicate a true benefit the change creates or a significant problem it avoids, that’s influence. Nothing wrong with influence. If you are trying to manufacture loss aversion by spinning a change to mask your true intentions, then you are trying to manipulate people. There’s no grey area. You’re either up front, or you’re not. And if you’re not, gamers, a highly connected and very cynical bunch of folks, will probably sniff you out.

Sim City, anyone?

So what you’re trying to say, if I am needed to interpret your BS, is that being upfront and honest about changes in your product can affect how we, the customer base, see the end result?


I remember hiding in the bushes outside of Peter Molynueax’s house for MONTHS waiting for him to come outside, six dozen eggs nestled beside me. I had prepared those eggs as “arguments” against his release of the “game” Fable III. It was there, sitting in my own filth, that I realized how far deep down the rabbit hole I had gone. 

So, instead of egging the poor and under appreciated developer, I poo’d in his mailbox and went back to work.

The moral of the story is that I make good decisions, and no one else can influence me in my process. So your argument is invalid.



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