The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

A Reasonable and Well-Mannered Open Letter to Justin Fischer

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

Limits to Editions

Collectors editions are an example of what economists call “price discrimination”: finding a way to get people who would be willing to pay more to do so without pricing-out everyone else. The fact that it’s a limited edition helps ensure that, if you are one of those folks willing to pay a higher price, you’re duly motivated by loss aversion to do so. If I don’t get that CoD-branded remote control car now, then when, bro? 

Here I can start to see the faint semblance of a point peeking through the mountains of wasted letters in your article. However, you’re on the wrong side of the issue. Let me quote someone smarter than the both of us (a task that is easier for you, harder for me).

If I don’t get the exclusive edition of Firefly, I’m going to burn down your store. – Randy, Best Buy Customer

Now someone with a glass half-full mentality, like myself, tends to take such threats as just idle nerd rage. You have to cultivate that, allow it to grow into something bold and beautiful that can one day change the world. Randy, with proper motivation, could become the next Spider-man. You never know, bro. 

A half-empty mentality would make you think that Randy only cares about the extras in life. That he isn’t interested in being a part of the journey that is modern entertainment. You would say that he only wants the special edition because he would rather spend more money to watch five extra minutes of content than imagine a world without said content. That is some Freud-level malarky. 

The truth is that special editions, with games and with movies, are just better than the regular versions. It’s not about loss aversion, this is a haves VS have-nots situation. If you don’t spend the extra $25 to get the printed map of Los Santos, you might as well be licking the Devil’s boots in Hell for all the good you’re gonna do. If you don’t have the Hello Kitty Theme for Metal Gear Solid VIII, then I refuse to play online with you.