The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

A Reasonable and Well-Mannered Open Letter to Justin Fischer

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor


Loss aversion is commonplace in gamer culture. Fanboy’ism is all about loss aversion. Xbox One gamers don’t want to feel like they missed out on all the cool stuff over on the Playstation 4, so they rationalize that loss aversion away by attempting to convince themselves (and everyone else in the foums) that the Playstation 4 is for stupid people. And the reverse is true for PS4 fans. And it was true of the N64 and the original Playstation, and the SNES and the Genesis. It’s true of Mac’s and PC’s, Call of Duty and Battlefield, taekwondo and jujitsu, grape lollipops and cherry lollipops.

OK, so I know a few of you Fischer-Apologists out there are going to claim I’m an XBOX enthusiast just because I vocal and aggressive. Well guess what? I own EVERY system. I even have a functional Japanese Toilet-Based Arcade game. 

This is, in every sense of the word, my jam

This comes back to the concept of the fad-gamer. You cry “loss aversion,” I cry “cheap poser ass-hat.” 

Do you remember last console cycle when Sony said “If gamers want to play our system, they’ll need to be willing to pony up some f***ing cash.”


Pictured: Sony Entertainment circa 2007

Some people took offense to these outrageous antics. Personally, I was motivated as f***. 

Sony fired a shot right across the bow of every fad-gamer in the world. You want to play like a champ, then you have to pay like a champ. No hand-holding here. 

The whole concept of fanboys baffles me, mostly because I think polysyllabic words are the Devil’s tools. If you are mad because Sony is putting out a cool game and Microsoft isn’t able to land the deal, buy another system. What is $500 against your future happiness. Money can’t buy that; the Beatles sang it, so it must be true. (I don’t listen to that soft-rock crap, though. Do I listen to Nickleback? F*** yes, even though they clearly sold out after their first album)

Here’s a little math equation simple enough for even you to follow.

 The lesson here is that money can buy the things that support happiness, like shelter and education, but you’re on your own after that. – See more at:

I didn’t read all of that article (and not because it was aimed at women, you misogynist. I think I made my stance on TL;DR clear back at the beginning of this rebuttal). I’m just not interested in a bunch of whining from people who make less than $83,000 a year.