The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

4 Games That NEED to Happen in 2016

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

It’s dream time. The holiday spirit has taken me, and I am throwing out billion dollar ideas for FREE.

I like to fancy myself an idea man. Sure, I’ve been known to drop a pen on paper from time to time, but today I’m all about the bigger picture. See, I’ve always wanted to make a game. It’s actually a goal of mine to develop of a title from cradle to grave. I have already started working on a cool new IP in the vein of Call of Cthulu, but that’s a story for another time. Now, I don’t want to waste my valuable Fallout 4 skills enrolling in a Unity course or going back to school to actually learn things. I’m just going to pepper the universe with great ideas and see what happens. 

There has been a pretty fantastic amount of new IPs in the past year. 2015 delivered like no one expected, especially on the Indie side, and that is great news for gamers. New IPs mean fresh franchises and original stories. That said, this article is more about taking a known entity and making a BILLION DOLLARS by flipping it on its side. We’re not trying to make the next Life is Strange, we’re cooking up a new Arkham saga. Developers! Publishers! These franchises will PRINT MONEY. 

So let’s take a look at 4 new games that NEED TO BE MADE.